Helping families climb seemingly insurmoutable mountains
The Foundation gratefully receives donations by interested and generous parties and fundraises where applicable. The Foundation’s funds are currently being used to, but not limited to, enable practitioners to go abroad and learn the latest cutting edge research or practical strategies worldwide, practitioners who are in direct contact with families, to pass on the latest international expertise and proven research; to support children in schools with ABA provision, provided the schools are 100% behind the ABA methodologies and incorporating all learning into all aspects of the school curriculum to maximise the benefit for all children involved; to support lectures and practical advice across NZ, and support a You Tube channel, targeted at families affected by Autism, in person or access any time of day or night making it user friendly and a practical and emotional support strategy for busy parents.
The Geoff & Simone Sewell Foundation Charitable Trust is a registered not-for-profit charity set up with the aim of helping families treat Autism. The Foundation works with key individuals worldwide on providing information and how-to practical advice to New Zealand families regarding biomedical intervention – diet, supplementation, detoxification and holistic therapies – and Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA).
The Sewell family created this video for Heal Me on Geoff's new album Live, Love, Sing! to spread the message that autism is treatable, based on their own experience.
Many children and adults with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have co-morbid health problems. Recent large-scale studies have confirmed that several medical conditions are significantly more prevalent in people with autism compared to the typical population - and these can be substantially improved with appropriate, safe treatments to increase quality of life. Our aim is for parents, adults and the public to be aware of these treatments and, therefore, that Autism is treatable in a large percentage of cases, and also - in some cases - preventable.
"Autism is treatable. Recovery is possible"
Autism Research Institute (ARI), USA

Singer devotes himself to fighting autism.

The New Zealand Herald

Seven Sharp, TV NZ
The Sewell family appeared on 7 Sharp to discuss autism and offer hope to families, through their efforts to spread the message that autism is treatable, based on their own experiences over the past 8 years.
Geoff Sewell discusses the journey so far.